Retail Management

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Pages : 487;
210 X 275 mm approx.
Textbook Price: Rs. 900;
Available only in INDIA
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<< Chapter 6
Retail Organization and Management : Chapter 7
An organization is a formal structure of roles and positions put in place to achieve some specific goals. The structure of a retail organization defines the role of employees and the way in which the organization functions. This chapter discussed the steps involved in designing an appropriate retail organization structure to enhance a store's ability to serve its target markets. To design an effective retail organization structure, managers/ owners must define store objectives, identify the tasks, classify the tasks and jobs, and assign responsibilities and authority to various positions, and define the relation between them.
Organizations can have flat structures or vertical (tall) structures. A flat organization structure has only one or two levels of management, whereas a vertical organization has more than two levels of management.
Independent stores, department stores and chain stores use different organization structures to facilitate their operations. Department stores use the basic Mazur plan with some modifications to design their organization structure. This chapter also described various forms of ownership like sole proprietorship, partnership and corporation.
Retail Organization and Management - An overview
Designing a Retail Organization Structure
Defining Organizational Objectives
Identifying Organizational Tasks
Principles of Retail Organizational Design
Specialization and departmentalization
Authority and responsibility
Unity of command
Span of control
Forms of Retail Organization
Levels of organization
Retail Organization Structures
Independent store Organizational Structure
Department store Organizational Structure
Chain store Organizational Structure
Legal Forms of Retail Organization
Sole proprietorship
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